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Can I Run Html/javascript Files In Ipad

i have a folder having an html in a folder and javascript files, can i run that html page without internet, just from file system and without internet, in ipad? Is it possible? Als

Solution 1:

Serversman HD Try it out, it does both of the stuff you asked for and it's free.

EDIT: It seems that someone answered a second before me, sorry for the duplicate

Solution 2:

You can run a webserver on the ipad. See this For local editing and previewing of files, there is HTML Edit allows you to -> Work on files locally, with an optional base url and preview from the local filesystem.

Solution 3:

i have a folder having an html in a folder and javascript files, can i run that html page without internet, just from file system and without internet, in ipad? Is it possible?

Yes. You have two main options:

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