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Trying To Get Total Amount Based On User Input

I have a page where a user can submit a form, that works fine, but I want to have a quantity field where the user can input a number and in the totals box it will show the total as

Solution 1:

See this JSFiddle (notice the added data-product-price attribute)


<tablealign="center"><tr><tdalign="center">Quantity:</td><tdcolspan="2"></td></tr><tr><td><inputtype="number"min="64"max="9999"name="quantity" /></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;@&nbsp;&nbsp;$345.50/per item&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><tddata-product-price="345.50"></td></tr></table>


    $("input[name='quantity']").on("input", function(){
        var $outputCell = $(this).parent().siblings("[data-product-price]").eq(0); 
        $outputCell.html((+$"product-price") * +$(this).val()).toFixed(2));

Solution 2:

A minimal example where jQuery and Javascript is used could be:

  Quantity: <inputtype="text"id="quantityField"><div>Total: <spanid="totalField">0</span> $ (5$/item)</div></form><scriptsrc=""></script><script>// The line above loads jQuery// Javascript code goes here. You would normally have this in a separate file.// Somehow fetch the desired price from your programvar pricePerItem = 5;
  // This code executes when the quantityField elements value changes

    // 1. Read quantityvar quantity = $(this).val();
    // 2. Calculate totalvar total = pricePerItem * quantity;
    // 3. Update total field

Note that this is a minimal example that does not follow best practises in programming javascript with regards to safety, code placement etc., but it might just help you on your way.

Solution 3:

You could try by echo the price/per product inside a disabled input, or by adding an hidden input which value is the price/per product.

Then you can try this JS:

$('your_quantity_input').on('change', function() {
    var quantity = $(this).val();
    var price = $('your_hidden_input').val();
    var total = quantity * price;

This is by using jQuery.

Here is the working example:

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