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How To Add Fallback For A Failing Cdn

I want to include jQuery from CDN into my code. I also want to create a fallback. My original solution was to check if CDN has failed, and if so use document.write to insert the fa

Solution 1:

I was interested in this idea, so I tried a simple script loading sequence. You set up the array of main/fallback scripts in the sequence you want them to load. Not sure how production ready it is, but let me know if it helps.

const scripts = [{
    main: "",
    fallback: ""
    main: "",
    fallback: ""

let scriptcounter = 0;

functionloadScripts() {
  if (scriptcounter < scripts.length) {


functionloadScript(index, fallback) {
  let thescript = fallback ? scripts[index].fallback : scripts[index].mainlet myScript = document.createElement("script");
  myScript.setAttribute("src", thescript);

  myScript.addEventListener("load", scriptLoaded, false);
  myScript.addEventListener("error", scriptError, false);

  functionscriptError() {
    console.log("Script error for ", thescript);
    if (fallback) console.log("Fallback failed, stopping");
    elseloadScript(index, true)

  functionscriptLoaded() {
    console.log("Script loaded - ", thescript);

window.onload = function() {

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