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Leading Zeros Missing Within Number Input

I need to have displayed, within the number input field, the leading zeros on integers between 00-09. I am using angularJS. View/template for the input field(sorry for the style wi

Solution 1:

I'm not fond of this solution - there's an annoying flicker with this approach, and I'm especially not pleased with the setTimeout call - but it seems to work, and avoids the annoying "that's not a number" error Angular throws.

angular.module('application', [])
    .directive('zeroPadded', function(){
            // limit to classes and attributes only// to use with CSS class, include "zeroPadded" in the class attribute// to use with attributes, add "zero-padded" to the input tagrestrict: 'AC',
            link : function(scope, element){
                    if(ele.value < 10){
                        ele.value = "0" + ele.value;


                element.on('change', padZeroes);

                // hacky but not sure how else to ensure it's zero-padded   from the startsetTimeout(function(){
                    for(var i = 0; i < element.length; i++){
                }, 1000);

And then your actual input looks something like this:

<inputtype="number"id="minute" ng-model="minute"min="0"max="59" step="1" zero-padded />

Solution 2:

I'm encountering a similar issue, where leading zero's are being trimmed from my "text" input. When I call ngModel.$setViewValue("123.8900") the text displayed in the input is "123.89" (the model is correctly set with zeros).

To solve this issue while still correctly setting the model, I call both:

var value = "123.8900";
ngModel.$setViewValue(value); //updates model but trims zeros in the view
inputEl[0].value = value; //prevents trimming of trailing zero but this alone wont update the model

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