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Specification Document: Dom Text Nodes

I am reading a document about HTML5. A few lines down from where I linked, a sample DOM tree is displayed for the sample HTML code given. Why is there no text node directly before

Solution 1:

Feature. The main reason is that, given the markup

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Sample page</title>

some people expect


to return the head element. However, if the text node were included, that is the node that would be returned.

(Note, also, that the new line between </body> and </html> ends up in the body element.)

Solution 2:

The text node before the <head> is probably an omission. You don't get a text node before the root element because most XML/HTML parsers can't deal with elements outside the root node, so they silently ignore them. The same happens if you add a comment or a processing instruction there.

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