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How To Use A Huge Typescript Library Without Polluting Html?

This answer suggests to manually add reference to .js files produced by all used .ts files. I intend to use a library with a complex structure. I already added top files to my html

Solution 1:

You can do that by:

  1. Organize your code using typescript modules
  2. Use module loader (systemjs or such) to load modules automatically

Following these two rules your index.html will look something like this:

<!doctype html><html><head><scriptsrc="lib/systemjs/dist/system-polyfills.src.js"></script><scriptsrc="lib/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script><script>System.defaultJSExtensions = true;
    </script></head><body><script>document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) 
        {//Entry point of the application.System.import('app').catch(function(e)

Without need to include every single file.

Solution 2:

The option suggested by Miguel Lattuada, worked with specific library (yendor.ts), despite it used namespaces.

in Visual Studio 2015:

1)Open project settings

2)Go to TypeScript build tab

3)Set "Module System" to "None"

4)Mark "Output"->"Combine JavaScript output into file"

5)Specify absolute path to your app suffixed with combined.js For example, C:\Users\admin\Google Drive\My App\Client\Client\combined.js

6)Add reference to combined.js to your html file.

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