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Video.js Techorder Flash - No Compatible Source Was Found For This Video

Whenever I try to run a video with data-setup='{'techOrder': ['flash']}' set at only flash I can't make it work. Here is a fiddle The fiddle from t

Solution 1:

This is because jsfiddle is now using the sandbox attribute on the iframe the results are shown in. The effect of that varies: In Chrome the swf is loaded but Flash's ExternalInterface is blocked, so the swf can't be told to do anything. In Firefox the swf doesn't even get loaded.

jsbin's also uses an iframe with sandbox in edit mode, but works fine out of edit mode as no iframe is used.

Assuming that "local storage" means the html is being loaded in the browser with the file:// protocol then the problem is also the browser blocking ExternalInterface script access, but for a different reason. Here it's because browsers block script access to a swf loaded over one protocol (http) from a page loaded over another (file).

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