Height Is 100%?
Solution 1:
Use HTML, Body
html, body {
height: 100%;
/*background-color: #008000; */clear: both;
background-image: url('../Images/footer.png');
We need to give 100% height to both the html and the body tag. This is often overlooked but is vitally important as no element will adjust to a percentage height unless it knows what it’s parent height is currently occupying. As the container is a descendant of the body tag which is a descendant of the html tag, then this is required.
100% height is one of those things CSS doesn’t do so easily. When you specify an element to have a height of 100%, the 100% refers to the containing element’s height. The containing element would then need to be 100% the height of its containing element and so on. The trick is to set the height of the outermost elements to be 100%
Solution 2:
Put html { height: 100% }
at the beginning and see if it helps.
Solution 3:
Make sure that the height is set to 100% in every point of your Xpath layout hierarchy. That is html->body->form->div id="center"
style="height:100% "
You can then continue using style="height:100% " in the child pages that will inherit from ContentPlaceHolder2 at the inheriting content place holder.
There are areas you might need to adjust(lower) the % height to allow other elements to fit in the area e.g. the other div s.
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