Getting Value From Html Radio Button - In Aspx-c# May 25, 2024 Post a Comment I have the following HTML source Solution 1: place your code like this:if (Request.Form["Gender"] != null) { string selectedGender = Request.Form["Gender"].ToString(); } CopyNote that Request.Form["Gender"] will be null if none of the RadioButtons are selected.see the markup below<form id="form1" runat="server" method="post"> <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="male"id="test" checked="checked" /> male <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="female" />female <input type="submit" value="test" /> <asp:Button ID="btn" runat="server" Text="value" /> </form> Copyfor both the buttons i.e input type="submit" and usual asp:button, Request.Form["Gender"] is going to have some value upon PostBack, provided, either of the RadioButtons is selected. And yes, upon PostBack only, i.e. when you hit either of the buttons and not on first load.Solution 2: To start with you will need the form posted the Form collection won't have anything on the page load, so suppose you have a button and you click to submit the form then in the click event handler you can get the selected value with the code you have tried.I guess the collection is null hence the NullReference exception when you access it.Baca JugaRadiobuttonfor For A List Of Objects MvcLibrary To Convert Word Document Text To HtmlHow To Check If Div Element Is Disabled Using JqueryIt is better to access it likeif(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["Gender"])) { } CopySolution 3: Use a RadioButtonList<asp:RadioButtonListid="RadioButtonList1"runat="server"><asp:ListItemvalue="male">male</asp:ListItem><asp:ListItemvalue="female">female</asp:ListItem></asp:RadioButtonList>Copyand get the value with RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue; CopySolution 4: if you are working with make sure that HTML control name by Request.Form contains these ct100$ with the name or id through which you are assessing. check the below rbratebyname = 0; if (Request.Form["ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$rate"] != null) { rbratebyname = int.Parse(Request.Form["ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$rate"]); } Copy Share You may like these postsHow To Display All The Divs Inside A Parent DivHeight Is 100%?How Can I Copy Html Vb Form/table To Send As EmailHow To Stop Encoding Characters Before Outputing To Html? Post a Comment for "Getting Value From Html Radio Button - In Aspx-c#"
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