Using Mark Of The Web With Mathml
Solution 1:
MathPlayer uses a MIME filter in IE8 and earlier versions to convert XHTML to HTML because IE doesn't know about HTML. Although the MIME filter doesn't remove comments, perhaps something in the process does. However, the MIME filter does not run for IE9 because IE9 understands XHTML. But the MOTW still doesn't work there.
You have three options:
If you only care about users seeing your result in IE, you can generate HTML4 and include the following in the head of the document:
<object id="MathPlayer" classid="clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987"></object> <?import namespace="m" implementation="#MathPlayer" ?>
You still need the MOTW
If you only care about IE9 and more modern versions of browsers that support HTML5, start your document with:
<!doctype html>
which says that this is an HTML5 document. That will work for Firefox and IE9. In IE9, it appears that the MOTW is not needed in this case.
If you want something that works in all browsers, use MathJax. To use MathJax, include a line like
in the head of your document. There are lots of MathJax configuration options. See the MathJax documentation for more information. The downside to MathJax is that it is slower than the other options and requires being connected to the internet. You can make it defer to MathPlayer (the default) or to Firefox via configuration options, and that speeds it up a lot. However, the MOTW doesn't seem to work if you have MathPlayer render it.
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