.slidetoggle() On One Div Instead Of All Others With Same Class
I'm trying to create a menu with DIVs for Appetizers, Soups, etc. I use paragraph tabs as my toggler. All of my togglers have identical classes of 'toggle'. All of the DIV areas ha
Solution 1:
You can target an item relative to the one that was clicked on like this:
This will get the clicked on .toggle
item and get the previous .selection
item and slideToggle just that one.
You can see it work here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/2zJ8z/
I would suggest improving it so you can click on the .selection item to make it go away as this makes toggling to explore with the mouse a little easier:
You can see this minor enhancement here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/JrhNz/
If you want any other open ones to close when you open a new one, you could use this:
var prev = $(this).prev('.selection');
Demo of this option here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/JrhNz/6/
Solution 2:
I think you're looking for .prev()
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