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Adopting Variable Values From Html Data-atributes

*EDIT I have a list in my HTML called '#wordlist'. In this list I hold the words in my game, the attached audio and the attached image to each word. This all works fine. Because th

Solution 1:

First of all, your html wasn't good at all, you must change it to this:

(data attributes were corrected...)



Then, to assign new values to the data attributes, use the following. In this case I just affected the first li but you can do a loop or .map() in jQuery if you want to change all of them.

Live DEMO:

jQuery code:

var numberInput = 2;
var completionNumber = 2;
var smallGrid = {
    x: 4,
    y: 4

//In this case, this is just affecting the first 'li' inside 'ul' that's why '.eq(0)' is used.
elem = $('ul#wordlist li').eq(0);'number-input', numberInput.toString());'completion-number', completionNumber.toString());'grid', smallGrid.x + ',' + smallGrid.y);

//Print new 'data' attributes in console to look they've changed.

Changing all li attributes:

just do this using jQuery, this is like the "equivalent" of a loop:

Live DEMO:

(In live demo check browser's console to see the output)

$('ul#wordlist li').map(function(i, v) {
    $(this).data('number-input', numberInput.toString());
    $(this).data('completion-number', completionNumber.toString());
    $(this).data('grid', smallGrid.x + ',' + smallGrid.y);

If you want to get the data attribute from a li and put in a variable, just do this:

//Getting 'number-input' attribute from the first 'li':
var numberInput = $('ul#wordlist li').eq(0).data('number-input');

But, If you want to get all data attributes from all li and put them in variables or javascript object, just do this:

vardata = $('ul#wordlist li').map(function(i, v) {

    var numberInput = $(this).data('number-input');
    var completionNumber = $(this).data('completion-number');
    var gridX = $(this).data('grid').split(',')[0];
    var gridY = $(this).data('grid').split(',')[1];

    return {
        numberInput: numberInput,
        completionNumber: completionNumber,
        grid: {
            x: gridX,
            y: gridY

Live DEMO:

This will be the output:

enter image description here

And, to get for example the number-input value from the first li of this object, just do this:


Hope this helps :-)

Solution 2:

Untested example, get each instance of *data-*number-input and push it into an array:

var numberInputs = [];  
    var list = document.getElementByID('wordlist');
    var listItems = list.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var i = 0;i<listItems.length;i++) {
      numberInputs.push = listItems[i].getAttribute('data-number-input');

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