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Set » Html Entity In Javascript's Document.title?

I'm setting document.title with JavaScript, and I can't find a way to supply » (») without it appearing as literal text. Here's my code: document.title = 'Home &raqu

Solution 1:


document.title = 'Home \u00bb';

Generally you can look up your special character at a site like this and then, once you know the numeric code, you can construct a Unicode escape sequence in your JavaScript string. Here, that character is code 187, which is "bb" in hex. JavaScript Unicode escapes look like "\u" followed by 4 hex digits.

Solution 2:

Javascript does not use HTML entities.

You should simply use the actual » character in your string, and make sure that the file is saved and sent as UTF8.

Solution 3:

document.title takes the string as it is, so you can do this:

document.title = 'Home »';

If you need to provide it as the entity name, you can set the innerHTML attribute. Here are two examples of how you can do it.

document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML = '»';
// ordocument.querySelector('title').innerHTML = "»";

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