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Page Views Counter Sinatra?

How to implement a page views counter in Sinatra and Ruby? I have tried the @@ variables but they reset to zero whenever the page is loaded... Like this one:

Solution 1:

I think your problem is that you cant store global variable in sinatra as usual. You need to store page views count data in setting like this

set :my_config_property, 'hello world'

Here is docs about it SO question about it In Sinatra(Ruby), how should I create global variables which are assigned values only once in the application lifetime?

Solution 2:

Just storing the value in memory will not be enough because your application server will probably be serving request with different processes and every process will have a different copy of the class variables. Even if that work when the server is reset you will lose the counter value anyway.

I would use a specialized database like Redis. It's very fast and easy to do what you want. You just use something like this:

require "redis"
redis =
total_pageviews = redis.incr("page_counter")

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