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How To Show A Specific Icon In A Table Row?

I have a table and each row has an icon. When you click on the icon, it should show another icon that was hidden. My problem is that when I click on this icon, it always changes th

Solution 1:

The attribute id must be unique in a document, you can use class instead. You also have to target the current element with this keyword.


$("#myTable").on('click', 'tbody tr .editAction', function () {

Solution 2:

$('#deleteAction') results in a global search in the DOM that returns the first element that matches the id, ensure each id in the DOM is unique.

Solution 3:

Try to implement class selector as following

$("#myTable").on('click', 'tbody tr .editAction', function (e) {

Solution 4:

As others have mentioned, $('#deleteAction') will return the first element that matches that id. Instead of using IDs, you should use classes. Classes can be used more than once on a page, whereas IDs should not be.

The code below will hide the clicked .editAction, then show the .deleteAction from the same row.

$("#myTable").on('click', 'tbody tr .editAction', function () {



HTML wise, you will need to replace id="#editAction" with class="editAction":


Solution 5:

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""><!-- jQuery library --><scriptsrc=""></script><!-- Latest compiled JavaScript --><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script></head><body><tableclass="table"><tr><td>test1</td><td><buttonclass="deleteAction">delete</button><br><buttonclass="editAction">edit</button></td></tr><tr><td>test2</td><td><buttonclass="deleteAction">delete</button><br><buttonclass="editAction">edit</button></td></tr><tr><td>test3</td><td><buttonclass="deleteAction">delete</button><br><buttonclass="editAction">edit</button></td></tr></table><scripttype="text/javascript">
    $(document).on('click', '.editAction', function () {
        var cur = $(this);


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