Dom Click() Is Not Working On This Button
When I use method click() to click the button, the submission failed. But, when I use the mouse to click the button on that webpage, (the submit form is same) it works. HTML file:
Solution 1:
maybe instead of clicking the button. You can submit the form in javascript as
as it fulfills your requirement.
Solution 2:
The click method does not always work. Try sending a click
event similarly to this answer:
var targBtn = document.querySelector ("#create");
var clickEvent = document.createEvent ('MouseEvents');
clickEvent.initEvent ('click', true, true);
targBtn.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);
But also beware that the button may not operate on clicks at all. See "Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site".
The button may operate on mousedown
, mouseup
, or some combination of events. Use the techniques from that question to activate the control. Link to the target page if you can't get it to work.
Solution 3:
Wrap the call in an anonymous self executing construct like so:
This will simulate a click
when the javascript is loaded.
Solution 4:
if at all you are flexible about value of your button then do this:
<button xmlns=""class="ui-button button1" value="submit"type="submit"id="create">
This works just fine.
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