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Website Performance Testing: How Best To Approximate Computer Performance?

I have some browser-intensive CSS and animation in my webpage and I'd like to determine if the user has a fast PC or not so i can scale things accordingly to provide the best exper

Solution 1:

I think this is a great question because it puts the user's experience first and foremost.

Several ideas come to mind:

  • Microsoft has published many tests demonstrating the performance of IE 9 and 10. Many of these tests focus on graphic performance, such as this one, which appears to use this JavaScript file to measure performance. There may be some code/concepts you can use.

  • A media-intensive page probably takes a few seconds to load anyway, so you have a little breathing room if you begin your tests while the rest of the content loads. For example, initiate AJAX/image requests, run your tests, and then handle the responses.

  • To test graphic performance, what about using a loading graphic as the performance test? I'm not usually a fan of "loading" screens, but if the site may take a few seconds to load, and the end result is better UX, then it isn't a bad idea.

  • The white screen idea may work if you draw a bunch of white shapes on it (not sure if any engines are smart enough to optimize this away because it is the same color).

Ultimately, I would err on the side of better performance and lower fidelity, and a less accurate (but fast) test versus making the user wait for too long.

Solution 2:

Rather than measuring the user's CPU performance once and determining how many fancy visual effects to use from that, I would measure the amount of time taken by the CPU-intensive bits every time they execute (using new Date()), compare that to expected minimum and maximum values (which you will have to determine), and dynamically adjust the "effect level" up and down as appropriate.

Say if the user starts up a program in the background which eats a lot of CPU time. If you use this idea, your page will automatically tone down the visual effects to save CPU cycles. When the background program finishes, the fancy effects will come back. I don't know if your users will like this effect (but I am sure they will like the fact that their browser stays responsive when the CPU is overloaded).

Solution 3:

This is a poor solution but it worked at the time: I used to generate two random matrices of about 100x100, multiply them (the school boy way) 100 times and time it. It took less than 1 second on regular machines and a bit more than 2 seconds in the slowest machine I could find (EeePC 1000H). After that I could say "well, this CPU can do X floating point operations per second", which is very inaccurate and probably wrong but the results were very stable and with very low standard deviations, so I guess you can call it a poor measure of javascript mathematical performance, which can tell you something about the CPU of that computer.

You can also check if it's WebGL enabled, and it will leave out all windows operating systems older than Vista. Since those don't have the hardware to run Vista or greater, those are slower PCs. You can check it with this:

functionhasWebGL () {
  if (typeofwindow.WebGLRenderingContext !== 'undefined') {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') || canvas.getContext('webkit-3d') || canvas.getContext('moz-webgl');
    if(gl) {
    } else {

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