Using Html.dropdownlist Over A Selectlist
Solution 1:
You simply pass the desired selection as a 4th parameter to the SelectList
NameSelectionOptions = newSelectList(
new List<SelectListItem> {
new SelectListItem { Text=size.ToString(), Value = size.ToString()},
new SelectListItem { Text="50", Value = "50"},
new SelectListItem { Text="100", Value = "100"},
new SelectListItem { Text="200", Value = "200"},
new SelectListItem { Text="500", Value = "500"}
}, "Value", "Text", size); // <<< Add size here
This is far more flexible than selecting a specific item in the list.
There are several options for binding a list to the view. You can use a property in the ViewModel, however standard practice (as per Microsoft's scaffolding templates) is to pass dropdown lists to a view in a ViewBag entry of the same name as the Model property. This has the added bonus of automatically binding the simpler @Html.DropDownList("Size")
version to both a Model property called Size
and the list in ViewBag.Size
In Controller:
ViewBag.Size = newSelectList(
new List<SelectListItem> {
new SelectListItem { Text=size.ToString(), Value = size.ToString()},
new SelectListItem { Text="50", Value = "50"},
new SelectListItem { Text="100", Value = "100"},
new SelectListItem { Text="200", Value = "200"},
new SelectListItem { Text="500", Value = "500"}
}, "Value", "Text", size); // <<< Add size here
viewModel.Size = size;
Where viewModel contains any properties you want edited (including Size
In View:
or if you prefer the strongly typed version.
@Html.DropDownListFor(m=>m.Size, (SelectList)ViewBag.Size)
In any case the consistent naming will help avoid problems.
Default values can go in the ViewBag, but the selection should be bound to your ViewModel so you can use the same ViewModel to receive the posted back values.
@Html.DropDownListFor(m=>m.Size, (SelectList)ViewBag.Size, ViewBag.DefaultSize)
If you do not wish to bind the current value to anything (as per comment), you simply need to have the ViewBag.Size
set to you SelectList
by the controller and have this is the View. You do not need a value in the Model.
The default selection will be the selection (4th parameter, size) in new SelectList()
Solution 2:
Simply add Selected property in it:
new SelectListItem { Text=size.ToString(),
Value = size.ToString(),
Selected = true}
int size = Int32.Parse("20");
NameSelectionOptions = new SelectList(
new List<SelectListItem> {
new SelectListItem { Text=size.ToString(), Value = size.ToString()},
new SelectListItem { Text="50", Value = "50"},
new SelectListItem { Text="100", Value = "100"},
new SelectListItem { Text="200", Value = "200"},
new SelectListItem { Text="500", Value = "500"}
}, "Value", "Text");
public SelectList NameSelectionOptions { get; set; }
publicstring SelectedValue { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
PageOptions model = new PageOptions();
return View(model);
Strongly Typed View:
if you want to do without changing your current model for view then, create instance inside view and pass like this:
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
TestAjaxUpload.Models.PageOptions objModel = newTestAjaxUpload.Models.PageOptions();
but you should add PageOptionsSelectList
as property in your Model and use it, i don't recommend to do directly in View.
Update (Using ViewBag):
with ViewBag you can do this way:
public ActionResult Index()
PageOptions model = new PageOptions();
ViewBag.List = model.NameSelectionOptions;
ViewBag.Selected = "20";
return View(model);
in View:
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