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Html Css - How To Create Multiple Column List?

I have an 'Ordered List' which contains about 100 'List Items'. This ol makes my page very long and users have to scroll too much. How can I get the UL to show like this: 1.

Solution 1:

If for you don't care about the vertical order, but only the layout:

1.      2.      3.       4.
5.      6.      7.       8.
9.      10.     11.      12.

You can simply set the li elements this way:

li {
    display: block;
    width: 25%;
    float: left;

It should work. If you need to have them in vertical order you need to act in the php script dividing them into separate divs and then float them.

Solution 2:

You could use css3 column module but beware that it is not fully supported on all web browsers.

Solution 3:

There was an article on A List Apart a while back which covered exactly this question. I guess if what is mentioned there doesn't suffice you could of course always revert to server-sided coding or client-side coding to divide the list automatically in three portions.

Solution 4:

I was able to get the proper ordering with a little jQuery:

functionsplitList($list, n) {
    var i, k;
    var colHeight = Math.ceil($list.children().length / n)
    var colWidth = Math.floor(100 / n) + "%"for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        $list.append("<ul class='liCol'></ul>")
        for (k = 0; k < colHeight; k++) {

    $(".liCol").css("width", colWidth)
    $ // list originally hidden to avoid displaying before ready

basic styles for .liCol:

.liCol {
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;
    float: left;

Solution 5:

I created a solution that also works for ordered (numbered) lists. These lists have to continue numbering through the columns.

Add the following script to your page (doesn't matter where, nicest is in a seperate js-file):

<scripttype="text/javascript">// As soon as the document's structure has been loaded:document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    // For each html elem:
    elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); // OL and UL wanted: chose all (*) here and select later.for ( var e = 0; e < elems.length; e++ ) {
        // Check if elem is a list (ordered/unordered) and has class name "cols":if ( ( elems[e].tagName == "OL" || elems[e].tagName == "UL" ) && elems[e]"cols") > -1 ) {
            // Collect list items and number of columns (from the rel attribute):var list = elems[e];
            var listItems = list.getElementsByTagName("LI");
            varNcols = list.getAttribute("rel")*1; // *1 converts rel from string to int.// Determine total number of items, items per column and column width:varNtotal = listItems.length;
            varNpercol = Math.ceil( Ntotal/Ncols );
            var colWidth = Math.floor( 100/Ncols )+"%";
            // For each column:for ( var c = 0; c < Ncols; c++ ) {
                // Create column div:var colDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
       = "left";
       = colWidth;
                // Add list items to column div:var i_start = c*Npercol;
                var i_end = Math.min( (c+1)*Npercol, Ntotal );
                for ( var i = i_start; i < i_end; i++ )
                    colDiv.appendChild( listItems[0] ); // Using listItems[0] instead of listItems[i], because items are moved to colDiv!// Add column div to list:  
                list.appendChild( colDiv );
} );

Then you can simply create multiple columns lists like this:


So, setting class="cols" and rel="[number_of_columns]" and the script will do the rest!

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