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How To Deal With This Html Code Echoed With Php Which As Both Single And Double Quotes?

I'm not sure if this is a cleaner way of writing this, but I think I don't have problems here:

Solution 1:

If you really want to output PHP code:

<?phpswitch ( $meta_box['type'] ) {
        echo'<textarea name="<?=$meta_box[\'name\']?'.'>">
        <?=htmlspecialchars( $data[ $meta_box[ \'name\' ] ] ) ?'.'>
       echo'<input type="text" name="<?=$meta_box[ \'name\' ] ?'.'>"
           value="<?=htmlspecialchars( $data[ $meta_box[ \'name\' ] ] ) ?'.'>">';


Otherwise this makes more sense to me:

<?phpswitch ( $meta_box['type'] ) {
        echo'<textarea name="'.$meta_box['name'].'>">'.
          htmlspecialchars( $data[ $meta_box['name'] ] ).
       echo'<input type="text" name="'.$meta_box[ 'name' ].'" '.
         'value="'.htmlspecialchars( $data[ $meta_box[ 'name' ] ] ).'">';


But I guess that $data[$meta_box['name']] array index isn't correct either.

Solution 2:

echo'String with "double quotes" inside';
echo"String with \"double quotes\" inside";
echo'String with \'single quotes\' inside';
echo"String with 'single quotes' inside";
echo'String with \'single quotes\' and "double quotes" inside';
echo"String with 'single quotes' and \"double quotes\" inside";

Solution 3:

Why u dont follow KISS rule, try below if u have no more conditions

<?phpif( $meta_box['type'] === 'textarea' ) { ?><textareaname="<?phpecho$meta_box[ 'name' ];?>"><?phpecho htmlspecialchars($data[$meta_box['name']]); ?></textarea><?php } else { ?><inputtype="text"name="<?phpecho$meta_box['name']; ?>"value="<?phpecho htmlspecialchars( $data[$meta_box['name']]); ?>" /><?php }?>

Happy to help :)

Solution 4:

I tend to use double quotes for the echo and single quotes within that

echo"Hello string test ' ";

or you can use the escape \

echo"hello string test \" ";

Also in your code you are doing an echo within an echo.

Solution 5:

You can escape the quotiation makrs like this:

echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"test\" />;

But why dont you make it this way:

echo'<textarea name="' . $meta_box[ 'name' ] . '">

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