Css Selector For First Row In A Table
Solution 1:
there isn't any selector that would work for you without adding some classes to distinguish different cases
thead tr:first-child
would work for first two examples, but it would fail in the 3rd
EDIT: you could also try something like this:
tbodytr:first-child {
/* your css styles */
thead + tbodytr:first-child {
/* reset css from previous selector */
but if I were you I'd avoid doing that
Solution 2:
should work. First-child is often missunderstood. It doesn´t care much about the element before the ":", it only looking "what is the first child of that element?". If it happend to be the same as before the ":", everything is fine. But if not, like in your case, nothing happens. So, in most case is more useful to write something like
table > :first-child
That wouldn´t help in your case here, but is the best way to use :first-child (or *-child in general) i think. If you want to get the first appearance of a element, :first-type is your answer.
Update I saw that point in another questions: If you don´t want the rows of the thead, you need to use tbody as parent element of course.
tbody > :first-child
Solution 3:
If the first row group in your table is either a thead or a tbody, and assuming the only children your table will have are colgroup, thead and tbody:
thead:first-child > tr:first-child,
tbody:first-child > tr:first-child,
colgroup + thead > tr:first-child,
colgroup + tbody > tr:first-child
(If the first row group may instead be a tfoot, add the appropriate selectors to the list. Either way, you need all of them in order to cover all the bases.)
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