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Can I Display An Svg Image As A Div Background With A Javascript Svg Library?

In an HTML page, I want to use an SVG image as a background in a div element, with a pre element with text on top of of it (the background). The background image should scale with

Solution 1:

You can use an SVG image as a CSS background, providing you only want to support recent browsers, use background-size to scale the image and maintain the aspect ratio. Here the image is applied directly to the pre, just to demonstrate:

pre {
    outline: 2px dashed black;
    padding: 1em;
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

If you want to support IE8 and FF3.6 then you'll have to resort to absolutely positioned elements as andrewmu suggests.

Solution 2:

You could always cheat and use position: absolute to put two divs in the same place.

Solution 3:

SVG images are part of the DOM they cannot be a div background, instead they are an element just like a div.

You could place an SVG image behind a transparent div to get the illusion of a background. This just involves positing your SVG and content in the proper place.

to get scaling you should use some math to maintain aspect ratio, should be pretty easy, the word ratio is involved. That would be a clue on how to do that.


It looks like I was wrong it can be a background.

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