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How To Add A Href Links In Or Tags In Jenkins/junit Xml

I have integrated Jenkins to C unit test library and I am parsing the output and generating XML in the schema that the jenkins understands. while generating the xml output, I just

Solution 1:

Out testing framework has pluggable reporting modules - a call from a test generates output for all 'registered' modules. Among those are JUnit, HTML, and SQL.

The first one generates JUnit reports that can be immediately processed by Jenkins to decide if the build is stable or not, draw the nice trend graph, etc.

The second one generates the error log in a human-readable form. Over time it has been embellished with all kinds of bells and whistles - different colors for different kinds of status, shrinkable/expandable sections, and so on. A link to this log is displayed among the artifacts for a build.

SQL logger uploads test results into a database for eternal storage and heavy-duty analysis.

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

This works for me:

<failuremessage="test failure  &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;More info here!&lt;/a  &gt; " > Assertion failed </failure>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testsuites><testsuitename="JUnitXmlReporter"errors="0"tests="0"failures="0"time="0"timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58" /><testsuitename="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor"errors="0"skipped="1"tests="3"failures="1"time="0.006"timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58"><properties><propertyname="java.vendor"value="Sun Microsystems Inc." /><propertyname="compiler.debug"value="on" /><propertyname="project.jdk.classpath"value="jdk.classpath.1.6" /></properties><testcaseclassname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor"name="should default path to an empty string"time="0.006"><failuremessage="test failure  &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;More info here!&lt;/a  &gt; " > Assertion failed </failure></testcase><testcaseclassname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor"name="should default consolidate to true"time="0"><skipped /></testcase><testcaseclassname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor"name="should default useDotNotation to true"time="0" /></testsuite></testsuites>

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