Site Coded In React, Displaying Blank Page On Github Pages
Solution 1:
Your friend may not have done you a great favor.
React code is not immediately uploadable; it must be processed by a packaging system (like webpack or parcel) where the javascript code creates the HTML/CSS that is then rendered onto the web page. Usually, it is used in tandem with a GIT (code versioning) system.
The advantage of React (as the name suggests) is that this coding system (intended for collaborative (group/team) coding) can react quickly and efficiently to multiple streams of data happening in multiple places on a web page. The disadvantage is that it is not your grandmother's html/css/js Notepad++ coding template. Learning react is not rudimentary - it takes time and effort.
If you are looking to become a professional developer and wish to study one of the hottest, most advanced development systems currently in use, by all means dig into React or Angular or Vue or etc. But don't expect it to be a quick study, or to have a great portfolio website in a few hours or days (unless, of course, you have a React adept sitting beside you and guiding you through the learning process).
But if you want a quick, free, website template, may I suggest that you look at the much simpler Bootstrap templates on W3Schools. The Company Theme tutorial takes about 20 minutes to complete and an hour or two to customize into a final product.
By contrast, you could spend many days (MANY days) learning React.
Here is an article that may help you understand some of the javascript concepts to brush-up on before jumping into React:
Solution 2:
I don't think you ever included your index.js on the index.html page. So react is never loaded in to take over the DOM
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