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Handling History Navigation Inside Iframe

I am building a navigation page that shows some contents inside an iframe. The requirement is that the navigation link that corresponds to the currently loaded page is highlighted.

Solution 1:

This really isn't a satisfactory solution, but you can examine the size of the history stack in the frame's on load event.


<iframe src="" class="xssFrame"></iframe>
<p class="output"></p>

var size = window.history.length;
var tempSize = null
//document.querySelector(".xssFrame").unload = function(){} //might need to set this handler to force load event on back click
document.querySelector(".xssFrame").onload = function () {
    var delta = size - window.history.length;
    document.querySelector(".output").innerHTML = "parent history: " + size + " combined history: " + window.history.length + " go " + (delta-1).toString()
    if(tempSize ===  window.history.length) {
      document.querySelector(".output").innerHTML = "go now" + (delta).toString()
    } else {
      tempSize = window.history.length


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