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Disabled Link In Bootstrap Pagination

I'm trying to use Bootstrap's Pagination style. The documentation says to create the page list like so:

Solution 2:

If you write the html dynamically server side (with django for example) and you don't want to use javascript you could do this:

pseudo code:
if (Model.HasNext()) {
   <li> // normal link
} else {
   <liclass="disabled"> // disabled link
      <ahref="javascript: void(0)">next</a></li>

Solution 3:

As a reference, here is what Bootstrap does:

&[disabled] {
  cursor: not-allowed;
  pointer-events: none; // Future-proof disabling of clicks.opacity(.65);

Solution 4:

$('.disabled a').click(function(){

Solution 5:

For PHPLD v 4.2 I used the following code to show Bootstrap 3 pagination

{* Display Paging Links *}
<ul class="pagination">
<li>{paginate_prev id="MainPaging"}</li>
{paginate_middle id="MainPaging" format="page" prefix="" suffix="" link_prefix="
<li>"link_suffix="</li>" current_page_prefix="
<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">"current_page_suffix="</a></li>"}
<li>{paginate_next id="MainPaging"}</li>

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