Cannot Set Property 'innerhtml' Of Null While Still Using Window.onload To Delay
I am trying to write a script that changes the color of the text if it is an active screen (there are probably more efficient ways to do this). The error I am getting is Uncaught T
Solution 1:
expects function to be executed after page is completely loaded. Otherwise it'll treat it as simple assignment statement and execute. Use function as follow:
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("header").innerHTML = cardDivPrint;
Instead of using main()
, use DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed");
var cardDiv = '<div id ="cardScreen"><a href="cardScreen.html">';
var card = "Card";
var closer = "</a></div>";
var color = window.location.href.indexOf(Check) !== -1 ? "red" : "white";
card.fontcolor = color("cardScreen");
var cardDivPrint = cardDiv + card + closer;
document.getElementById("header").innerHTML = cardDivPrint;
Solution 2:
Call the main function at the end of your body content
You are getting this error just because the element dose not exists at the time of its selection by JS DOM
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title><linkhref="../css/MasterSheet.css"rel="stylesheet" /><script>functionmain() {
var cardDiv = '<div id ="cardScreen"><a href="cardScreen.html">';
var card = "Card";
var closer = "</a></div>";
var color = (functioncolor1(Check) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf(Check))
card.fontcolor = color("cardScreen");
var cardDivPrint = cardDiv + card + closer;
window.onload=document.getElementById("header").innerHTML= cardDivPrint;
</script></head><body><divid="header"></div><div>Content goes here.</div><script>main();</script></body></html>
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