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Php Contact Form Submitting But Not Receiving Email

I realise this question has been asked numerous times before but everyone's code is obviously different and I am quite new to php so just looking to see if someone can give me some

Solution 1:

You have used sessions which is not required here, you can also use flag variable instead of arrays in this simple form, use this updated code.

<?php//$to_mail = ",,";$to_mail = "";
//$cc="";$mail_sent = 0;
    //echo "the form was submitted";$name = trim(strip_tags($_POST['name']));
if($name == "")
    $error = true;

$email = trim(strip_tags($_POST['email']));
if($email == "")
    $error = true;

$phone = trim(strip_tags($_POST['phone']));
$address = trim(strip_tags($_POST['address']));
$description = trim(strip_tags($_POST['description']));

if($error != true){
    $headers = 'From: "Euro Insulation" <>'."\r\n";
    //$headers .= 'CC: "'.$cc.'" <'.$cc.'>'."\r\n";$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "";

    $subject = "New contact message";

    $message = "New Contact message, received from: <br /> \n ";
    $message .= "<b>Name</b> ".$name."<br /> \n";
    $message .= "<b>Email</b> ".$email."<br /> \n";

    $message .= "<b>Phone</b> ".$phone."<br /> \n";
    $message .= "<b>Address</b> ".$address."<br /> \n";

    $message .= "<b>Description</b> ".$description."<br /> \n";

        echo"mail sent";
        $mail_sent = 1;
    elseecho"mail not sent";
} else {
    echo'validation error';

You have also missed out the else statement for your form validation test so no errors getting displayed when you submit form.

Solution 2:

Remove the at sign from mail function and see what errors your get. @mail suppresses errors from being displayed.

Solution 3:

Comment out the following line: if ( isset($SESSION['code']) && $SESSION['code'] == strtoupper($str)){} else {$error['secu'] = 1;}

You should be able to reach the mail function.

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