Javascript - Changing Border-width Without Moving Surrounding Elements.
I have the following HTML:
, '7px');
$(this).css('margin', '-7px');
The negative margin brings everything back in.
You can also condense the styles into an object and pass them in one .css() call:
$(this).css( {borderWidth: '7px', margin: '-7px'} );
Solution 2:
Change the width and height of the element by twice the amount of the border-width change (live demo):
function() {
$(this).css('borderWidth', '5px');
$(this).css('width', parseFloat($(this).css('width')) - 8 + 'px');
$(this).css('height', parseFloat($(this).css('height')) - 8 + 'px');
function() {
$(this).css('borderWidth', '1px');
$(this).css('width', parseFloat($(this).css('width')) + 8 + 'px');
$(this).css('height', parseFloat($(this).css('height')) + 8 + 'px');
Note: This will only work if the border-width, width, and height use the same unit of length. If using a unit other than 'px', change that accordingly.
Solution 3:
You can use "outline" instead of border is browser support is OK with you.
Solution 4:
You could add to the padding if you subtract from the border and vice versa.
Solution 5:
Yes, add a position: relative; left: -5px;
to position it correctly.
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