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How To Show The String Inside A Tag Verbatim?

What tag can I use to prevent any interpretation? I need that because I need to write down some source code and it's result in blogger. I have this code in blogspot, but the code i

Solution 1:

If I understand correctly, you are using Replacemath, and its documentation says: “Should you need to to prevent certain $ signs from triggering LaTeX rendering, replace $ with the equivalent HTML <span>$</span> or &#36;, or put the code inside a <pre> or <code> block if appropriate.” Of these, the first method seems to actually work.

That is, replace all occurrences of “$” inside the pre element by <span>$</span>.

I tested this by publishing a test in my blog (which had been dormant for 6 years...). I had to manually break the pre block to fit into the column.

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