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Sort Child Div Based On Data Attribute

Trying to sort children div based on data attributes The html code below is being generated by a CM and the data can be retrieved in any random order. the html code is

Solution 1:

EDIT: I missed the jQuery tag... leaving the answer still.

var productCt = document.getElementById('ProductContainer'),
    reInsertProductCt = tempRemove(productCt);

  .sort(function (a, b) {
    var aName =,
        bName =;
    return aName < bName? -1 : +(aName > bName);


function tempRemove(el) {
    var parent = el.parentNode,
        nextSibling = el.nextSibling;
    return function () {
        if (nextSibling) parent.insertBefore(el, nextSibling);
        else parent.appendChild(el);
<div id="ProductContainer"  class="row">
        <div id="1232132" data-name="B" data-category="Category_A" class="explore-cell">
         <h>TEST NAME B</h>
    <div id="123" data-name="A" data-category="Category_A" class="explore-cell">
        <h>TEST NAME A</h>
    <div id="1232152351" data-name="C" data-category="Category_A" class="explore-cell">
        <h>TEST NAME C</h>
    <div id="12342341" data-name="E" data-category="Category_B" class="explore-cell">
        <h>TEST NAME E</h>
    <div id="1325321" data-name="D" data-category="Category_B" class="explore-cell">
        <h>TEST NAME D</h>


Solution 2:

You can use .sort method like this

var $wrapper = $('#ProductContainer');

$wrapper.find('.explore-cell').sort(function (a, b) {
    return a.getAttribute('data-name') > b.getAttribute('data-name');
.appendTo( $wrapper );

But I don't sure about the cross browsing support

Solution 3:

Calling only sort on them won't actually visually change the DOM, it just returns a sorted collection. So basically you just need to get the collection, sort it, then return it. Something like this should work:

$('#ProductContainer > div').detach().sort(function (a, b) {
  var contentA = $(a).data('name');
  var contentB = $(b).data('name');
  return (contentA < contentB) ? -1 : (contentA > contentB) ? 1 : 0;

You'll want to make sure that you use the detach() method and not remove(), as detach() will retain all of the data and events associated with the collection items.

Solution 4:

Why choose to sort by category or by name when you can sort by both?

I tried to write a generic multisort function generator, which should also work with the native array sort function.


A function that generates the multisort, it takes two parameters.

  1. The column priority list order (first by category or by name? You decide).
  2. I also wanted a way to provide values for columns (since you might not retrieve them the same way for each of them), it is an object that describes for each column a function to retrieve data.

Here it is

function getMultisortFn(columns, provideColumnData) {
    return function (a, b) {
        for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
            var column = columns[i];
            var aColumnData = provideColumnData[](a,;
            var bColumnData = provideColumnData[](b,;
            if (aColumnData !== bColumnData) {
                if (column.asc) {
                    return, bColumnData);

                return, aColumnData);    

Now this is the part where you actually use the multisort generated

function retrieveDataAttribute(item, attribute) {
    return $(item).data(attribute);

var $container = $('#ProductContainer'); 
var $products = $container.find('div');

var multisort = getMultisortFn([{
        name: 'category',
        asc: false
    }, {
        name: 'name',
        asc: true
    }], {
        name: retrieveDataAttribute,
        category: retrieveDataAttribute


And finally the DOM manipulation to apply the new order


EDIT thanks to plalx:


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