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Enable Logging In Httpclientandroidlib

I am using httpclientandroidlib in my android application and having trouble logging debug logs from this library. I had tried the following as per the instruction on the project

Solution 1:

Finally figured out the way to enable logging in httpclientandroidlib. Following APIs can enable different level of logging (mainly to html messages/headers that are being sent):


Solution 2:

in any of the org.apache classes with statement

 Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);

like ./impl/conn/

just hi-lite the code for the the suggestion:

"Before you make any calls to a logging method you should check to see if your tag should be logged. You can change the default level by setting a system property: 'setprop log.tag. ' Where level is either VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ASSERT, or SUPPRESS. SUPPRESS will turn off all logging for your tag. You can also create a local.prop file that with the following in it: 'log.tag.=' and place that in /data/local.prop."

That said, all that u need to do to get WIRE & HEADERS at VERBOSE is to include the following in your MainActivity.onCreate()

System.setProperty("log.tag.Headers", "VERBOSE");
System.setProperty("log.tag.Wire", "VERBOSE");

OR , without alter code, use the adb shell to set props above...

adb shell setprop log.tag.Wire VERBOSE

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