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Div With Margin-left And Width:100% Overflowing On The Right Side

I have 2 nested div's that should be 100% wide. Unfortunately the inner div with the Textbox overflows and is actually larger than the outer div. It has a left margin and overflows

Solution 1:

Just remove the width from both divs.

A div is a block level element and will use all available space (unless you start floating or positioning them) so the outer div will automatically be 100% wide and the inner div will use all remaining space after setting the left margin.

I have added an example with a textarea on jsfiddle.

Updated example with an input.

Solution 2:

A div is a block element and by default 100% wide. You should just have to set the textarea width to 100%.

Solution 3:

If some other portion of your layout is influencing the div width you can set width:auto and the div (which is a block element) will fill the space

<divstyle="width:auto"><divstyle="margin-left:45px;width:auto"><asp:TextBoxID="txtTitle"runat="server"Width="100%"></asp:TextBox><br /></div></div>

If that's still not working we may need to see more of your layout HTML/CSS

Solution 4:

<divstyle="width:100%;"><divstyle="margin-left:45px;"><asp:TextBoxID="txtTitle"runat="server"Width="100%"></asp:TextBox><br /></div></div>

Solution 5:

Add some css either in the head or in a external document. asp:TextBox are rendered as input :

input {

Your html should look like :

Note this will affect all your textbox : if you don't want this, give the containing div a class and specify the css.

.divClassinput {

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