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I'm Trying To Use A Textbox Value As A Session Variable

I'm trying to use a textbox value as a session variable when the button is clicked, so far I have it working but it's hardcoded in, how do I get it to use the textbox value instead

Solution 1:

When you are assigning the _SESSION url, you will need to use the posted variable to assign the string.

$_SESSION['url'] = $_GET['url'];

To do the opposite, and have the textbox show the value of the session, you would:

echo "<input type='text' id='starurl' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['url']) . "'/>";

It is important to note that if you want the text box to actually do something, you will need to have the input box wrapped around a form tag.

The <form> tag tells the browser where the form starts and ends. You can add all kinds of HTML tags between the <form> and </form> tags. (thanks echoecho!)

If you are working RESTfully, GET should be used for requests where you are only getting data, and POST should be used for requests where you are making something happen.

Some examples:

  • GET the page showing a particular SO question
  • POST a comment
  • Click the "Add to cart" button and send a POST request.

(Thanks Skilldrick!)

The form & PHP file would look like this:

if (isset($_POST['url']) {
  $_SESSION['url'] = $_POST['url'];

echo '<form action="POST" method="?">';
echo "<input type='text' id='starurl' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['url']) . "'/>";
echo '</form>';

You will notice when the form is updated, the session updates too. When you close your browser and open it again, you will see you old contents on the input box. (Press "enter" to save the input box without a submit button).

Solution 2:

Simply use this one


<form action="page2.php" method="post">

    <input type="text" name="session_value">
    <input type="submit" name="set_session" value="Set Session">



        $_SESSION['url'] = $_POST['session_value'];


Solution 3:

For getting the value from your textbox, first modify your HTML as :

<input type='text' id='starurl' name='url' value=''/>

The textbox needs a name attribute which is used by the $_POST, $_GET or $_REQUEST superglobals.

Then depending upon your form submission method (GET or POST) :

$_SESSION['url'] = $_GET['url']        // Default method for form submission
$_SESSION['url'] = $_POST['url']       // For <form method="post">
$_SESSION['url'] = $_REQUEST['url']    // Works for both  

Since you are using a button onclick event to set the session variable, you can use this (assuming you are using jQuery) :


    var url = $('#starurl').val();

PHP: save_session_url.php :

if ( isset ( $_GET['url'] ) ) {
    $_SESSION['url'] = $_GET['url'];

Just add this div anywhere in the page.

<div id = "sessionURLDiv"></div>

I hope this helps.

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