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How To Draw Ecg Monitor In Canvas Using HTML5?

I am try is to draw ecg system in using canvas html5. Almost i am near to complete my wave is moving ,but not continuously it is repeating,But i want to draw the wave is move left

Solution 1:

If you want to get it to look like the video, don't clear the frame at the end of each pass, just clear it to the right of the end of your path.

                // Drawing code goes here
                n += 1;
                if (n >= data.length) {
                    n = 1;
                ctx.moveTo(n - 1, data[n - 1]);
                ctx.lineTo(n, data[n]);

                ctx.clearRect(n+1, 0, 10, canvas.height);


Is that what you wanted?

Solution 2:

var EcgData=[];    
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = canvas.width,
    h = canvas.height,
    speed = 1,
    scanBarWidth = 20,
    data = EcgData[0].split(','),
var px = 0;
var opx = 0;
var py = h/2;
var opy = py;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.lineWidth = 3;


function drawWave() {
     px += speed;
     ctx.clearRect( px,0, scanBarWidth, h);
     ctx.moveTo( opx,  opy);
     ctx.lineJoin= 'round';
     py=(data[++i>=data.length? i=0 : i++]/450+10);
     ctx.lineTo(px, py);
     opx = px;
     opy = py;
     if (opx > w) {px = opx = -speed;}



Solution 3:

setTimeout() only runs its callback once.
You never told your code to run more than once.

You should call requestAnimationFrame() to run your animation every time the browser renders a frame.
You will then need to check how much time has passed since the previous frame and update the animation by the appropriate distance.

Solution 4:

I created the easiest to use web component for displaying data from bluetooth heart rate monitor or external api. All you need to do is call bang() on every appearing beat.

document.body.innerHTML += '<ecg-line></ecg-line>';
ecgLine((bang) => setInterval(() => bang(), 1000));

The source code is published here. I think it looks much better than the presented alternatives

enter image description here

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