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Getting Value Of Multiple Input Fields With Same Class And Adding Into Javascript Object

I am faced with a issue as follows: )] = th.val(); }); return tempValues; } var values = getValues('.email');

or If you want values into an array

$('.email').map( function(){return $(this).val(); }).get();

.get() will convert it to a regular array.

The code you have written is absolutely correct. But when I have loaded it was returning me null, because at the time of execution, there were no values in textboxes.

Solution 2:

Your taskArray is actually an object, not an array.

Replacing var taskArray = {} with this should fix the problem:

var taskArray = new Array();

Edit: on second thoughts, what you have already is perfectly valid!

I'm editing my answer to echo what I've said in the comments: you'll need to debug using the console:

Within the .each(), put: console.log(id); - the expected result would be "1", "2", "3" - if it's just "3", it probably means that your other inputs aren't being picked up for whatever reason. If that is the result, print out the object after you've assigned the value: console.log(emailObj[id]);.

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