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Difference Between HTML Block Elements And CSS Display Block Property

May I know if there is any difference between HTML block elements (Eg.


,...) and CSS property display: block? Since from what I have read they are the same, b

Solution 1:

What you call "HTML block elements" are elements who have their display property set to block so there is no difference between a <div> and a <span> with display:block;.

This display property is set by the user agent stylesheet (i.e your browser). You can view these properties in chrome dev tool under "user agent stylesheet".

The only reason I see of using display:block; for a div element is :

  • your target adience is using some obscur user agent that don't follow web stadards (very unlikely)
  • you need to override a previous CSS declaration like display:none;

Solution 2:

There is no difference between... because block elements already have default css property display: block.

But we use display: block to show them again, when we hide/remove them from page using display: none.

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