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AppendHtml() Doesn't Append The Full HTML - Dart

The following code works as expected in DartPad, demonstrated below: void main() { Element e = querySelector('table'); String someValue = 'hello, world'; int anotherValue =

Solution 1:

Dart 1.11 made a change to appendHTML to sanitize the HTML input.

To avoid this, you can pass a sanitizer that does nothing.

class MySanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer {
  void sanitizeTree(Node node) {}

document.body.appendHtml('<td>fish</td>', treeSanitizer: new MySanitizer());

Solution 2:

It's a bug. Should be fixed in bleeding edge very shortly, fix is in review. Basically, sanitization creates a document fragment to sanitize. It wasn't correctly using the context, so it tried to create it as it it was under body, and table elements don't work there.

Solution 3:

This is because JS does not support multiline strings, you would need to structure it like this:

'<td>TEXT</td>' +



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