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Get PHP Array Values And Print In A Loop

I have a table with 9 rows. The first column should print the name of each participant of the ranking. First of, I did an array containing the names of them: $names = array('Mike',

Solution 1:

$names = array("Mike", "Kyle", "Johnny", "Will", "Vasques");
for($td=0; $td<=9; $td++) {
  echo "<tr>";
  if ($td == 0) {
    foreach ($names as $name) {
      echo "<td>$name</td>";
  echo "<td></td>";
  echo "</tr>";

Solution 2:

Print the name first then print 9 more td. (Had to change $x to go from 0 to count($names)-1 to match with indices of $names)

for($x=0; $x<count($names); $x++) {
  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td>$names[$x]</td>";
  for($td=2; $td<=10; $td++) {
    echo "<td></td>";
  echo "</tr>";

Solution 3:

Use a foreach loop and an array_fill for the empty cells

// Set the names array.
$names = array("Mike", "Kyle", "Johnny", "Will", "Vasques");

// Set the table cell start key.
$table_cell_start_key = 0;

// Set the table cell count.
$table_cell_count = 9;

// Set the table cells.
$table_cells = implode("", array_fill($table_cell_start_key, $table_cell_count, '<td></td>'));

// Loop through the names array & echo output.
foreach($names as $name) {
  echo "<tr>"
     . "<td>$name</td>"
     . $table_cells
     . "</tr>"

The nice thing about using an array_fill is you can simple set the values for $table_cells ahead of the foreach loop. And then the foreach loop is just to render content based on the $names and the extra table cells are just dropped in.

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