Owl Carousel 2 Not Work With Loop And 1 Items (Bug Fixed Now)
I work with owl carousel 2 for carousel content. JS: $('#owl-demo').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, nav: true, items: 1, }); HTML:
Solution 1:
I report this bug to Owl developer group and fix this problem here.
Change this line in Commit
view = Math.max(settings.items * 2, 2),
Now this worked in demo
Solution 2:
I hope the below method will solve your problem.
You dont need to edit the owl carousel js.
The same method can be applied to Bx Slider also.
margin: 0,
responsiveClass: true,
smartSpeed: 500,
dots: ($(".owl-carousel .item").length > 1) ? true: false,
loop:($(".owl-carousel .item").length > 1) ? true: false,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1,
500: {
items: 1,
768: {
items: 1,
Solution 3:
You could check the number of .item elements before you call your plugin like so:
// Be more specific with your selector if .items is used elsewhere on the page.
var items = $('.items');
if(items.length > 1) {
loop: true,
} else {
// same as above but with loop: false;
Solution 4:
I used this method to solve the problem and I think it's pretty easy.
var options={
margin: 10,
nav: true,
items: 1
if($('#owl-demo .owl-item').length>1){
Solution 5:
If you want to put only single image in owlCarousel as a banner image then you can add one argument in owl carousel js.
singleItem: true
like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
margin: 0,
loop: true,
navText: [ "<img src='images/leftArrow.png'>", "<img src='images/rightArrow.png'>" ],
dots: false,
items :1,
autoplay: true,
singleItem: true
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