How To Navigate To Previous Page Without Refreshing HTML
Solution 1:
If the navigation page is under different url than result page then it's not possible. You probably should save state of that menu for example in cookies, or in session on server so you could restore that state for each client. Also HTML5 client-side storage is an option. Another possibility is to change the way result page loads, so you won't need reload page to go back (for example use AJAX).
Solution 2:
I am using now extjs4 mvc design. We have a single html page, multiple views, a model and a controller.
On navigating to a new view, you need to hide the previous panels and when going back show the previous panel. This solved my problem of navigating and retaining view.
As above this is not suitable for mvc if you use it for multiple apps and older design where we use onReady()
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