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How To Create A Sectioned Grid/list With
  • And
    With Html/css?
  • I am trying to create a grid from a html
      list where the grid is supposed to be divided into sections by a
      after x-number of
    • items. My html list loo

    Solution 1:

    To achieve this you would have to change your CSS as follows:

    .sortable li {
      display: block;
    .item {
      min-width: 150px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      margin-right: 15px;
      padding: 5px;
      float: left;
    .break {
      width: 25%;
      clear: both;
      padding: 10px;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Sectioned List</title>
        <ul class="sortable">
          <li class="item">item 1</li>
          <li class="item">item 2</li>
          <li class="break">
          <li class="item">item 3</li>
          <li class="item">item 4</li>
          <li class="break">
          <li class="item">item 5</li>
    This basically remove the float to the <li> item and add some padding to the <li> break element. See fiddle here

    Solution 2:

    .sortable li {
      display: inline-block;
    .sortable {
          max-width: 500px;
        padding: 0;
        display: inline-block;
    .item {
      max-width: 45%;
        width: 100%;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 5px;
        float: left;
        margin-left: 1%;
    .hr {
      width: 90%;
      clear: both;
      padding: 10px;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Sectioned List</title>
        <ul class="sortable">
          <li class="item">item 1</li>
          <li class="item">item 2</li>
          <li class="hr"><hr></li>
          <li class="item">item 3</li>
          <li class="item">item 4</li>
          <li class="hr"><hr></li>
          <li class="item">item 5</li>
          <li class="item">item 6</li>
          <li class="hr"><hr></li>
          <li class="item">item 7</li>
          <li class="item">item 8</li>
          <li class="hr"><hr></li>

    Solution 3:

    I haven't centered the hr but this is the basic idea

    li {
        float: left;
    li a {
        display: block;
        color: white;
        text-align: center;
        padding: 16px;
        text-decoration: none;
    ul {
        list-style-type: none;
        clear: both;
    .item {
      min-width: 150px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      margin-right: 15px;
      padding: 5px;
       <li class="item">item 1</li>
       <li class="item">item 2</li>
          <li class="line"><hr></li>
       <li class="item">item 3</li>
       <li class="item">item 4</li>
          <li class="line"><hr></li>
       <li class="item">item 5</li>

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  • And
    With Html/css?"