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How To Post Json Data With ExtJS

I'm a bit of a newb with both extJS and json. What is the most painless route to POSTing json data using extJS? I'm not really interested any GUI features, just using the framework

Solution 1:

   url: 'foo.php',    // where you wanna post
   success: passFn,   // function called on success
   failure: failFn,
   params: { foo: 'bar' }  // your json data

Solution 2:

The following will identify as 'POST' request

       url: 'foo.php',    // where you wanna post
       success: passFn,   // function called on success
       failure: failFn,
       jsonData: { foo: 'bar' }  // your json data

The following will identify as 'GET' request

   url: 'foo.php',    // where you wanna make the get request
   success: passFn,   // function called on success
   failure: failFn,
   params: { foo: 'bar' }  // your json data

Solution 3:

Just to add my two cents:

//Encoding to JSON:
var myObj = {
  visit: ""
var jsonStr = Ext.encode(myObj);

// Decoding from JSON
var myObjCopy = Ext.decode(jsonStr);
document.location.href = myObj.visit;

Solution 4:

The examples posted here show the basic idea. For complete details on all configurable options see the Ext.Ajax docs.

Solution 5:

Code Snippet:

    url: "",
    success: function (response) {
        Ext.Msg.alert("success", response.responseText);
    failure: function () {
        Ext.Msg.alert("failure", "failed to load")
    params: {
        "name": "morpheus",
        "job": "leader"


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