Cant Open File Dialog With Button Inside Label
Solution 1:
The Label represents a "caption" for an item in a user interface. The reason why your button isn't working is because a button isn't considered a valid "caption" for a "control" element because it is a "control" element. (see:
If you use an image or a piece of text inside the label it will work, because that will be considered a caption (this is why your first attempt worked). If you want to create a custom button you can use some text or an image tag otherwise you'll need some javascript.
Edit: maybe this page can be of help: The javascript they use shows the user what file (s)he has selected
Solution 2:
Just change the jQuery code and HTML tag will be as it is.
<label for="file-input">
<button class="upload_file" type="button">Upload file</button> <!-- not working-->
<input type="file" id="file-input" />
Jquery Code:
jquery("[for=file-input] .upload_file").on("click", function(){
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