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How To Get At This Data

I am looking to scrape the three items that are highlighted and bordered from the html sample below. I've also highlighted a few markers that look useful. How would you do this? A

Solution 1:

I would probably use an XML parser to get the text content first (or this: xmlString.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "") to replace all tags with empty strings), then use the following regexes to extract the information you need:

/Open Interest:\s+(\d+,\d+)/

This process can easily be done in nodejs (more info)or with any other language that supports regex.

live demo:

  • Waits 1 second, then removes tags.
  • Waits another second, then finds all patterns and creates a table.

wait = true; // Set to false to execute instantly.

var elem = document.getElementById("parsingStuff");
var str = elem.textContent;

var keywords = ["-OPR", "Bid:", "Ask:", "Open Interest:"];
var output = {};
var timeout = 0;

if (wait) timeout = 1000;

setTimeout(function() { // Removing tags.
  elem.innerHTML = elem.textContent;
}, timeout);

if (wait) timeout = 2000;

setTimeout(function() { // Looking for patterns.
  for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
    output[keywords[i]] = str.match(RegExp(keywords[i] + "\\s+(\\d+[\\.,]\\d+)"))[1];

  // Creating basic table of found data.
  elem.innerHTML = "";
  var table = document.createElement("table");
  for (k in output) {
    var tr = document.createElement("tr");
    var th = document.createElement("th");
    var td = document.createElement("td"); = "1px solid gray"; = "1px solid gray";

    th.textContent = k;
    td.textContent = output[k];


}, timeout);
<div id="parsingStuff">
  <div class="yfi_rt_quote_summary" id="yfi_rt_quote_summary">
    <div class="hd">
      <div class="title">
        <h2>GM Feb 2015 36.500 call (GM150220C00036500)</h2>
        <span class="rtq_exch">
        <span class="rtq_dash">-</span>OPR
        <span class="wl_sign"></span>
    <div class="yfi_rt_quote_summary_rt_top sigfig_promo_1">
        <span class="time_rtq_ticker">

        <span id="yfs_110_gm150220c00036500">0.83</span>
  <div class="yui-u first yfi-start-content">
    <div class="yfi_quote_summary">
      <div id="yfi_quote_summary_data" class="rtq_table">
        <table id="table1">
            <th scope="row" width="48%">Bid:</th>
            <td class="yfnc_tabledata1">

              <span id="yfs_b00_gm150220c00036500">0.76</span>
            <th scope="row" width="48%">Ask:</th>
            <td class="yfnc_tabledata1">

              <span id="yfs_a00_gm150220c00036500">0.90</span>
        <table id="table2">
            <th scope="row" width="48%">Open Interest:</th>

            <td class="yfnc_tabledata1">11,579</td>

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