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Change Color Of An Anchor When Clicked

i want that when i click this link its color changes to the given color
  • Press
  • Solution 1:

    The CSS declaration :active will accomplish what you're after.


    a:active {
        color: #C00;


    a:active MUST come after a:hover in the CSS definition in order to be effective!

    Solution 2:

    Here is the sample Css for the visited hyperlink

    a:link {color:#FF0000}    

    Hope that will help.

    Solution 3:

    All links? a:focus { color: orange; }

    Some links? Give them a class, eg <a class="foo" ...>: { color: purple; }

    One link? Give it an id, eg <a id="bar" ...>: a#bar:focus { color: #BADA55; }

    Solution 4:

    You can accomplish that at server-side with PHP or with JS.

    With PHP all you need is to added a given classname to the link once clicked. a very simple example would be:

    <a href="myURL" class="<?php if(ExpressionToDetermineIfLinkIsClicked) echo 'selected'; ?>">

    and CSS:

    .selected { color: #FF0000; }

    If you would like to do it with JS , and you are using any JS Framework just search the frameworks' site for "How to add an event" & "How to add classname" then combine what you get to know from the search results.

    If you are, by coincidence, using prototype.js framework, then you can try the following:

    function selectLink(link){
      var otherLinks = link.siblings();
      for(var i = 0; i < otherLinks.lenght; i++){
    document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
        $('menu').observe('click', function(event){
           var link = Event.element(event); 
    <div id="menu">
    <a href="url1" id="link1" class="">
    <a href="url2" id="link2" class="">
    <a href="url3" id="link3" class="">

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